Andrew Yee
Andrew Yee
ScreenLife Capture
**Andrew Z H Yee**
Screen time for kids: Why we must destigmatise use of devices
ScreenLife Capture: An open-source and user-friendly framework for collecting screenome data from Android smartphones
Understanding 3D food printing technology: An affordance approach
Understanding videoconference fatigue: a systematic review of dimensions, antecedents and theories
Animal Crossing and COVID-19: A qualitative study examining how video games satisfy basic psychological needs during the pandemic
Examining the moderating effect of parenting style and parental guidance on children's beliefs about food: A test of the parenting style-as-context model
No magic formula to children's screen time
Developing a perceived social media literacy scale: Evidence from Singapore
Children, COVID-19 and the media: A study on the challenges children are facing in the 2020 coronavirus crisis
Promoting healthier eating via parental communication: Development and validation of the active and restrictive parental guidance questionnaire (PARQ)
Temporal and textual analysis of social media on collective discourses during the Zika virus pandemic
COVID-19 is the perfect time to play video games
Stuck at home due to Covid-19, should parents cut some slack on kids’ screen time?
Toward data sense-making in digital health communication research: Why theory matters in the age of big data
A macro-level assessment of introducing children food advertising restrictions on children’s unhealthy food cognitions and behaviors
The role of socialization agents in adolescents’ responses to app-based mobile advertising
Parental guidance and children’s fruits and vegetables consumption: Integrating the theory of planned behaviour with interpersonal antecedents
Parents' responses to cyberbullying effects: How third-person perception influences support for legislation and parental mediation strategies
Do superstitious beliefs affect influenza vaccine uptake through shaping health beliefs?
Understanding factors associated with Singaporean adolescents’ privacy protection behavior using an extended theory of planned behavior
Escaping through exergames: Presence, enjoyment, and mood experience in predicting children’s attitudes and preference to play exergames
Presumed media influence in health and risk messaging
The influence of parental practices on child promotive and preventive food consumption behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nutrition labelling in health and risk messaging in Asia
A parental health education model of children’s food consumption: Influence on children’s attitudes, intention and consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods